"My Life As An English Country Potter," Lecture by Dan Finnegan. NC Pottery Conference. 03/03/2019.

Dan Finnegan talks all about his experiences over the years traveling to England. Dan started as a young lad at Winchcombe Pottery (http://www.winchcombepottery.co.uk), just as I did myself, and the experience shaped his whole career.

In this entertaining and touching lecture Dan talks about some of the characters who worked at Winchcombe over the years, from Michael Cardew, Ray Finch, Elijah Comfort, Sydney Tustin, Eddie Hopkins, and Toff Milway (http://www.toffmilway.co.uk/). He shows lots of old pictures of Winchcombe and shares many an amusing anecdote from there as well as Conderton Pottery. I am biased of course, having worked at Winchcombe too but this is well worth a watch!

The audio quality is not perfect but it is audible if you turn the volume up!

Here’s a link to Dan’s website if you want to check out his pots: http://danfinneganpottery.com/


Springtime Pottery Sale


British Country Pottery. A lecture at the NC Pottery Conference by John Burrison. 03/03/2019.