Article in Studio Potter: "Wild Glazes from your Backyard"

I was thrilled to have an article published in Studio Potter Magazine in December.

It is called “Wild Glazes from your Backyard” and you can read it on the Studio Potter website here:

Wild Glazes From Your Backyard

The article talks about my ethos in collecting local rocks and minerals for use as glaze materials and the glaze palate I made for my MFA thesis at Utah State University. I’m proud of this work and the article represents a climax to the whole endeavor.

Now I’ve moved to Oregon and left behind the Utah materials I was working with. I will be able to apply the methodology of the testing I did but am in the process of hunting for new glaze materials.

Thanks for checking out the article!


Knowing Oregon Interview: 'Tradition: Pots that Connect Place to People' with Hamish Jackson


Tea Time with the Devil, Hamish Jackson MFA thesis show, USU, April 2023