Museo Regionale della Ceramica, Deruta, Italia

 After a quick coffee stop we headed to the museum of regional ceramics in Deruta.

There were a vast array of pots here, on many levels. The museum felt a bit like a labyrinth, with all sorts of pots on display. My favorites, and the ones I mostly pictured, were the older pots. Some of the designs are so cartoonish and ridiculous.

Outside the cafe: a serious game of cards on a serious table top.

On to the ceramica!

Blank dish, same shape as the decorated on above.
Another blank on display.

What a nose!

There are no words. What was she thinking? What was the potter thinking?

Umbria, 14th Century.

They also had some more modern pots:

After Deruta we headed to Assissi where they are mad about religion rather than pots.

Here are a couple of sample pics from the gift shop of one of the churches.

Four hundred an ten euros!
It was time to clean the statues too, something I didn't realise went on at all. No pictures allowed of course.

And finally, as a counterpoint to the pots and the relics, here is a meaty street shop window.

Lots of wild hog products.


Pietro Madelena Demonstrating the Fundamentals of Throwing Pots


Day dreaming around Deruta, Italia